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VoteForBernie 2.0 - Let’s Get Out The Vote!

After months of toiling away on nights and weekends, developing, designing, verifying data, and with the help of volunteer researchers, the new and improved VoteForBernie is finally here!

Since launching almost exactly 7 months ago, it has been accessed by well over 1.5 million people, tens of thousands have signed up to receive deadline alerts and updates, and most importantly, 315,000 people have clicked through to get registered to vote or affiliate as a Democrat from the site.

On average, 15,000 individual people or more visit VoteForBernie every day, and as we are getting closer to the first caucus (Iowa, on February 1st) and the first primary (New Hampshire, on February 9th) traffic has been steadily creeping up, causing the server it was on to crash. As a result, VoteForBernie is now hosted on a more reliable server that will allow us to scale as others around the nation start to Feel The Bern and decide to vote for Bernie!

But that’s far from the only addition for the new version of…

A page for every state

No State Left Behind

No State Left Behind

One of the things that makes voting so difficult is how the rules are different in each state. Now, every state (plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico) have a page all to themselves that goes into more detail about how to vote for Bernie there.

Color-blind friendly map

Old'n'Busted vs New Hotness

Old’n’Busted vs New Hotness

Around 8% of the population is color-blind, and it seems as if all 8% of them emailed me to let me know they they could not distinguish the colors in the old map.

Easy Registration Forms

Less than 2 minutes. There is no excuse to not register!

Less than 2 minutes. You have no excuse to not register!

By utilizing a tool created by the GOTV organization RockTheVote, VoteForBernie is now happy to provide easy voter registration forms, for the states that do not have online voter registration.

And so much more…
Affiliation deadlines, Student Voting information, Information for Military/Overseas voters, the list goes on.

The goal is to make voting as easy as possible. How did we do?

Find out how to vote in your state

It’s not over yet, either! VoteForBernie will continue to be enhanced with more tools to help Get Out The Vote. Bernie will win this election if we can get voter turnout up. Share VoteForBernie to your friends who may not know how to vote in their state, and sign up to receive voter alerts for your state to keep yourself informed.

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