Countdown to Cali

California's registration deadline is on May 23rd — Get the word out!

See California's Information

  • Canvass
  • Phonebank
  • Find your local Bernie office and start knocking on doors!
  • Start calling states that are voting soon!

Canvass for Bernie

If you live in any of the action states, we need you to be physically knocking on doors if you're able!

In a voting state or willing to travel?

Connect with the nearest Bernie office!

Phonebank for Bernie

We need your help hitting our daily phonebanking goals! Never done it before? No problem! Live chat is provided for assistance.

Ready to help?

Start phonebanking now!

Facebank for Bernie

Are you on Facebook? A new tool created by grassroots supporters allows you to help remind people in voting states to vote in their primary, up to 500 a day! This is very effective if we all pitch in, and only takes a few minutes.

"Facebank" for Bernie

Stay informed!

The primary season is well underway. Sign up to be reminded of deadlines in your state and other important information.

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