We’re in NY, too! Click here for VoteForBernie’s Schedule in NY
Come follow me (Paul “Assistant TO the Regional Manager”) around NY as I canvas, interview people, march, rally, help pass out absentee request forms, flyers, ads, graphics, t-shirts, stickers, cards, have people check their registration and sign up to VoteForBernie.org’s newsletter on our tablet!
We’ll be posting live updates on our twitter and Facebook feeds during the week of New York Bernie activism! (We will also be doing a live stream on Periscope throughout the weekend)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
You can also get in touch at [email protected]
If you want to help share or print additional ads, flyers, graphics etc… PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DO SO! Here are some to get you started and we will update this section with new images daily! (Click to view and download entire image)
This is how we win New York
They are saying we need around 200,000 votes to win. The deadline to register is already passed, so we're only focusing on registered Democrats. Some of them might be for Bernie, some might be for Hillary, but many of them won't know much about Bernie at all. Let's fix that!
Learn Bernie's stances here if you don't know them already.
Then follow the steps below to help Bernie!
Canvass for Bernie
Live in New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or Rhode Island? Find the nearest Bernie office and sign up to canvass! Person-to-person contact has been shown many times to be very effective at getting out the vote.
Want to get started right now? Grab the 'FieldTheBern' app. No experience required! The app walks you through everything you need to know!
Phonebank for Bernie
If you cannot canvass, the next best thing is phonebanking. We've made over 230,000 calls into New York already, join up!

Don't forget to connect with BerniePB to track your calls! Track your calls with BerniePB
Facebank for Bernie
Are you on Facebook? A new tool created by grassroots supporters allows you to help remind people in voting states to vote in their primary, up to 500 a day! This is very effective if we all pitch in, and only takes a few minutes.
Donate to Bernie
If you're unable to volunteer, consider contributing to Bernie's campaign. Bernie is the only Democratic candidate not using a Super PAC and relies on donations from us to support his campaign.
Bernie's campaign has received over 4 million contributions so far! No other candidate has had this many contributions this early in the race! Let's break another record and get to 5,000,000. Donate!
Volunteer for Bernie
The information contained on this page is general-use, but to be truly effective, you should sign up to be a volunteer for Bernie's campaign.
Stay informed!
The primary season is well underway. Sign up to be reminded of deadlines in your state and other important information.
No spam, ever. See our Privacy Policy.
Did you know there is a community of over 100,000 Bernie supporters online?