We at VoteForBernie.org want to give back to all of you after almost 1 year together!
So we are hosting our first Giveaway!
We want to share this far and wide and Get Out The Vote in new and creative ways, so why not give away some awesome swag while pushing California’s registration deadline on Monday, May 23rd!
California is very important for Bernie, with 475 Pledged Delegates available he could come out huge on June 7th and we need all of your help to do this!
For all information on registering, voting, and more in California check out
Please volunteer any extra time you can, canvassing, phonebanking, or using social media to Bernie’s advantage. The average contribution is only $27, and if you can’t afford that even a few bucks greatly helps Bernie push forward. You can find all this information on our
Get Out The Vote Page here
But let’s cut to the chase, here’s the skinny on the giveaway:
It will start on Sunday, May 22nd. And end on Sunday, June 5th.
2 days before the YUGE 6 state primaries.
There will be 5 winners!
What are the prizes?
Each winner will receive:
- 1 Official Bernie Bumper Sticker - 3 ¾ x 11 ½ Vinyl
- 1 Official Bernie Button/Pin - 2 ¼
- 5 Official 3″ Stickers
- 1 VoteForBernie.org Shirt - (You tell us the size you want)
Then depending on the 5 winners and the amount of entries/points you have you will be divided into 1st through 5th place, to receive more/extra prizes upon the prizes listed above.
1st place will receive:
- $20 gift card to the Bernie Sanders Official Store
- An official Bernie Sanders Tote Bag
2nd place will receive:
- $10 gift card to the Bernie Sanders Official Store
- Bernie Sanders Cardboard Cutout face
3rd place will receive:
- $10 gift card to the Bernie Sanders Official Store
- An extra Bumper sticker (2 total)
4th place will receive:
- $5 gift card to the Bernie Sanders Official Store
- An extra button/pin (2 total)
5th place will receive:
- $5 gift card to the Bernie Sanders Official Store
How do I enter?
- Watch our NEW California GOTV Youtube Commercial (Available Daily) -
5 Points/Entires - Visit & Like us on our Facebook - 3 Points/Entries
- Follow us on Twitter - 2 Points/Entries
- Retweet one of our tweets - 1 Points/Entries
- Use Specific #Hashtags in a tweet (Available Daily) - 2 Points/Entries
- Visit our GOTV Page (Available Daily) - 1 Points/Entries
- Visit VoteForBernie.org/CA (Available Daily) - 1 Points/Entries
- Share this giveaway with your friends via email, FB, Twitter, & more!- 3 Points/Entries