Month: January 2016

Alabama releases online voter registration!

Alabama has joined 31 other states by offering online voter registration! The deadline to register for the March 1st primaries online is February 15. That’s only 21 days from this post, so get registered today!

South Carolina - Voter Registration Deadline is 5 days away!

Attention South Carolinians! — South Carolina’s deadline to register to vote is on January 27th, 2016 - Only 5 days away as of this posting. South Carolina has online registration, which makes the process much simpler! If you want Bernie to win, register to vote before the 27th! Check your current registration If you’re not […]

Rhode Island - One Week Left to Affiliate as Democrat or undeclared!

Update 1/24: Previously referenced January 26th as deadline, updated to January 27th based on Rhode Island Secretary of State site Attention Rhode Islanders! — Rhode Island has semi-closed primaries which means you must affiliate as a Democrat or undeclared to vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary. To complicate matters, Rhode Island also has an […]

Connecticut: One Week Left to Affiliate as Democrat!

Attention Connecticuters! — Connecticut has closed primaries which means you must affiliate as a Democrat to vote for Bernie Sanders. To complicate matters, Connecticut also has an early deadline for affiliating as a Democrat, which is on January 26th, 2016 - Only 7 days away as of this posting. Fortunately, Connecticut has online registration verification […]

VoteForBernie 2.0 - Let’s Get Out The Vote!

After months of toiling away on nights and weekends, developing, designing, verifying data, and with the help of volunteer researchers, the new and improved VoteForBernie is finally here! Since launching almost exactly 7 months ago, it has been accessed by well over 1.5 million people, tens of thousands have signed up to receive deadline […]